Interior Decorating with Graffiti and Tattoo Art

We are always looking for the newest, boldest, and most exciting of fashions in our dress attire as well as our home’s decor.

Colors, stimulating patterns, and unique designs all come to mind when searching for the wow factor to show off the decor. The uses of graffiti and tattoo art have become an exciting addition to the world of Interior Design. Graffiti can be traced back to the cave men but, in most cases, modern society has associated it with vandalism. Tattoos were for the rebellious, such as bikers, shunned by the so-called conventional folk. With well-known artists of the hippy era, such as Peter Maxx, our eyes were opened to the beauty of graffiti inspired art. Unfortunately as the uptight end of the last century came, most of our views of graffiti were again seen as only defacement marring buildings with gang tags.

This new century has brought the use of graffiti and tattoos into the mainstream of society. Well known artists, such as Ed Hardy, have made it an appreciative form of art. The famous are making tattoos acceptable. Women of all ages are now having their eye liner tattooed on. These exciting arts have become more and more prevalent in society, as in branding, marketing, fashions, and interior design. Peter Maxx is now in the forefront again being commissioned to design everything from airplanes to signage.

Graffiti and street artists have always used their art as a form of expression; to voice a specific message or political view, or as a large canvas on the side of a building to showcase their work. Graffiti is now being brought inside by Interior Designers. Entire walls are being painted with murals by graffiti artists who have turned their street art into a respectable occupation commissioned to do their one-of-a-kind creations. You may want to consult with an Interior Designer, such, for design and color choices that will blend with your decor.

transform a wall into art

Graffiti can be a fun and expressive project for the family as well. Take a wall in the basement. Prime it and have a party to encourage creativity with everyone painting. If you would like a more organized project, have the most creative draw out an outline in pencil.  Spray paint a fine black line following the pencil. When the paint is dry have everyone else join in by filling in with fun colors (think of the Partridge Family bus).

Wall tattoos can now be purchased ready to apply to any wall. Companies like Design with a Z, and Dali Decals, have many to choose from and can be ordered easily on-line. They are very reasonable, easy to apply, brighten up a wall, and are a great alternative for renters.

tattoos and decals add life to a plain wall

Graffiti art can also be a fun way to paint and repurpose old furniture. Take a chest or armoire and paint it as you would a canvas for a unique piece of usable art. Paint chair legs in funky colors to match upholstery (“Renew Your Abode with Fun Painting Ideas” gives more suggestions for painting furniture).

funky with color

Have fun with Colors. Brighten your day. Never be afraid to dance!

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